第一种方式 帝国默认:
第二种方式 帝国默认:
第三种方式 去掉裁剪不够时的黑边并且从图片缩放后中间裁剪:
第四种方式 只固定图片的宽,高度不限制(类似不规则瀑布流的图片形式),高填写为大于0的任意整数数字:
/e/class/gd.php 函数全部代码如下:
<?php define('InEmpireCMSGd',TRUE); //原文件,新文件,宽度,高度,维持比例 function ResizeImage($big_image_name, $new_name, $max_width = 400, $max_height = 400, $resize = 1){ $returnr['file']=''; $returnr['filetype']=''; if($temp_img_type = @getimagesize($big_image_name)) {preg_match('//([a-z]+)$/i', $temp_img_type[mime], $tpn); $img_type = $tpn[1];} else {preg_match('/.([a-z]+)$/i', $big_image_name, $tpn); $img_type = $tpn[1];} $all_type = array( "jpg" => array("create"=>"ImageCreateFromjpeg", "output"=>"imagejpeg" , "exn"=>".jpg"), "gif" => array("create"=>"ImageCreateFromGIF" , "output"=>"imagegif" , "exn"=>".gif"), "jpeg" => array("create"=>"ImageCreateFromjpeg", "output"=>"imagejpeg" , "exn"=>".jpg"), "png" => array("create"=>"imagecreatefrompng" , "output"=>"imagepng" , "exn"=>".png"), "wbmp" => array("create"=>"imagecreatefromwbmp", "output"=>"image2wbmp" , "exn"=>".wbmp") ); $func_create = $all_type[$img_type]['create']; if(empty($func_create) or !function_exists($func_create)) { return $returnr; } //输出 $func_output = $all_type[$img_type]['output']; $func_exname = $all_type[$img_type]['exn']; if(($func_exname=='.gif'||$func_exname=='.png'||$func_exname=='.wbmp')&&!function_exists($func_output)) { $func_output='imagejpeg'; $func_exname='.jpg'; } $big_image = $func_create($big_image_name); $big_width = imagesx($big_image); $big_height = imagesy($big_image); if($big_width <= $max_width and $big_height <= $max_height) { $func_output($big_image, $new_name.$func_exname); $returnr['file']=$new_name.$func_exname; $returnr['filetype']=$func_exname; return $returnr; } $ratiow = $max_width / $big_width; $ratioh = $max_height / $big_height; $new_width = ($ratiow > 1) ? $big_width : $max_width; $new_height = ($ratioh > 1) ? $big_height : $max_height; if($resize == 1) { if($big_width >= $max_width and $big_height >= $max_height) { if($big_width > $big_height) { $tempx = $max_width / $ratioh; $tempy = $big_height; $srcX = ($big_width - $tempx) / 2; $srcY = 0; } else { $tempy = $max_height / $ratiow; $tempx = $big_width; $srcY = ($big_height - $tempy) / 2; $srcX = 0; } } else { if($big_width > $big_height) { $tempx = $max_width; $tempy = $big_height; $srcX = ($big_width - $tempx) / 2; $srcY = 0; } else { $tempy = $max_height; $tempx = $big_width; $srcY = ($big_height - $tempy) / 2; $srcX = 0; } } }elseif($resize == 2){//同比例缩放超出裁切 if($big_width >= $max_width and $big_height >= $max_height) { if($max_width > ($big_width * $ratioh)){ $tempx=$big_width; $tempy=$max_height / $ratiow; $srcX=0; $srcY=($big_height - $tempy) / 2; }elseif($max_height > ( $big_height * $ratiow)){ $tempx=$max_width / $ratioh; $tempy=$big_height; $srcX=($big_width - $tempx) / 2; $srcY=0; } }else{ if($max_height > $big_height){ $tempx=$max_width; $tempy=$big_height; $srcX=($big_width - $max_width) / 2; $srcY=0; }elseif($max_width > $big_width){ $tempx=$big_width; $tempy=$max_height; $srcX=0; $srcY=($big_height - $max_height) / 2; } } }elseif($resize == 3){//宽度固定 高度同比例任意 $srcX = 0; $srcY = 0; $tempx = $big_width; $tempy = $big_height; if($big_width >= $max_width){ $new_height=$big_height*$ratiow; }else{ $new_height=$big_height; } }else { //不保持比例 $srcX = 0; $srcY = 0; $tempx = $big_width; $tempy = $big_height; } if(function_exists("imagecopyresampled")) { $temp_image = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresampled($temp_image, $big_image, 0, 0, $srcX, $srcY, $new_width, $new_height, $tempx, $tempy); } else { $temp_image = imagecreate($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresized($temp_image, $big_image, 0, 0, $srcX, $srcY, $new_width, $new_height, $tempx, $tempy); } $func_output($temp_image, $new_name.$func_exname); ImageDestroy($big_image); ImageDestroy($temp_image); $returnr['file']=$new_name.$func_exname; $returnr['filetype']=$func_exname; return $returnr; } /* * 功能:图片加水印 (水印支持图片或文字) * 参数: * $groundImage背景图片,即需要加水印的图片,暂只支持GIF,JPG,PNG格式; * $waterPos水印位置,有10种状态,0为随机位置; *1为顶端居左,2为顶端居中,3为顶端居右; *4为中部居左,5为中部居中,6为中部居右; *7为底端居左,8为底端居中,9为底端居右; * $waterImage图片水印,即作为水印的图片,暂只支持GIF,JPG,PNG格式; * $waterText文字水印,即把文字作为为水印,支持ASCII码,不支持中文; * $textFont文字大小,值为1、2、3、4或5,默认为5; * $textColor文字颜色,值为十六进制颜色值,默认为#FF0000(红色); * * 注意:Support GD 2.0,Support FreeType、GIF Read、GIF Create、JPG 、PNG * $waterImage 和 $waterText 最好不要同时使用,选其中之一即可,优先使用 $waterImage。 * 当$waterImage有效时,参数$waterString、$stringFont、$stringColor均不生效。 * 加水印后的图片的文件名和 $groundImage 一样。 */ function imageWaterMark($groundImage,$waterPos=0,$waterImage="",$waterText="",$textFont=5,$textColor="#FF0000",$myfontpath="../data/mask/cour.ttf",$w_pct,$w_quality){ global $fun_r,$editor; if($editor==1){$a='../';} elseif($editor==2){$a='../../';} elseif($editor==3){$a='../../../';} else{$a='';} $waterImage=$waterImage?$a.$waterImage:''; $myfontpath=$myfontpath?$a.$myfontpath:''; $isWaterImage = FALSE; $formatMsg = $fun_r['synotdotype']; //读取水印文件 if(!empty($waterImage) && file_exists($waterImage)) { $isWaterImage = TRUE; $water_info = getimagesize($waterImage); $water_w= $water_info[0];//取得水印图片的宽 $water_h= $water_info[1];//取得水印图片的高 switch($water_info[2])//取得水印图片的格式 { case 1:$water_im = imagecreatefromgif($waterImage);break; case 2:$water_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($waterImage);break; case 3:$water_im = imagecreatefrompng($waterImage);break; default:echo $formatMsg;return ""; } } //读取背景图片 if(!empty($groundImage) && file_exists($groundImage)) { $ground_info = getimagesize($groundImage); $ground_w= $ground_info[0];//取得背景图片的宽 $ground_h= $ground_info[1];//取得背景图片的高 switch($ground_info[2])//取得背景图片的格式 { case 1:$ground_im = imagecreatefromgif($groundImage);break; case 2:$ground_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($groundImage);break; case 3:$ground_im = imagecreatefrompng($groundImage);break; default:echo $formatMsg;return ""; } } else { echo $fun_r['synotdoimg']; return ""; } //水印位置 if($isWaterImage)//图片水印 { $w = $water_w; $h = $water_h; $label = "图片的"; } else//文字水印 { $temp = imagettfbbox(ceil($textFont*2.5),0,$myfontpath,$waterText);//取得使用 TrueType 字体的文本的范围 $w = $temp[2] - $temp[6]; $h = $temp[3] - $temp[7]; unset($temp); $label = "文字区域"; } if( ($ground_w<$w) || ($ground_h<$h) ) { echo $fun_r['sytoosmall']; return ''; } switch($waterPos) { case 0://随机 $posX = rand(0,($ground_w - $w)); $posY = rand(0,($ground_h - $h)); break; case 1://1为顶端居左 $posX = 0; $posY = 0; break; case 2://2为顶端居中 $posX = ($ground_w - $w) / 2; $posY = 0; break; case 3://3为顶端居右 $posX = $ground_w - $w; $posY = 0; break; case 4://4为中部居左 $posX = 0; $posY = ($ground_h - $h) / 2; break; case 5://5为中部居中 $posX = ($ground_w - $w) / 2; $posY = ($ground_h - $h) / 2; break; case 6://6为中部居右 $posX = $ground_w - $w; $posY = ($ground_h - $h) / 2; break; case 7://7为底端居左 $posX = 0; $posY = $ground_h - $h; break; case 8://8为底端居中 $posX = ($ground_w - $w) / 2; $posY = $ground_h - $h; break; case 9://9为底端居右 $posX = $ground_w - $w; $posY = $ground_h - $h; break; default://随机 $posX = rand(0,($ground_w - $w)); $posY = rand(0,($ground_h - $h)); break; } //设定图像的混色模式 imagealphablending($ground_im, true); if($isWaterImage)//图片水印 { if($water_info[2]==3) { imagecopy($ground_im, $water_im, $posX, $posY, 0, 0, $water_w,$water_h);//拷贝水印到目标文件 } else { imagecopymerge($ground_im, $water_im, $posX, $posY, 0, 0, $water_w,$water_h,$w_pct);//拷贝水印到目标文件 } } else//文字水印 { if( !empty($textColor) && (strlen($textColor)==7) ) { $R = hexdec(substr($textColor,1,2)); $G = hexdec(substr($textColor,3,2)); $B = hexdec(substr($textColor,5)); } else { echo $fun_r['synotfontcolor']; return ""; } imagestring ( $ground_im, $textFont, $posX, $posY, $waterText, imagecolorallocate($ground_im, $R, $G, $B)); } //生成水印后的图片 @unlink($groundImage); switch($ground_info[2])//取得背景图片的格式 { case 1:imagegif($ground_im,$groundImage);break; case 2:imagejpeg($ground_im,$groundImage,$w_quality);break; case 3:imagepng($ground_im,$groundImage);break; default:echo $formatMsg;return ""; } //释放内存 if(isset($water_info)) unset($water_info); if(isset($water_im)) imagedestroy($water_im); unset($ground_info); imagedestroy($ground_im); } ?>
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